The other day, I had started my first client and was waiting for my second when a woman walked in and told me she was in the area and there to do a random inspection on behalf of the State’s Massage Therapy board. I pointed out the licenses on the wall, showed her our control plan, our checklists in every room, our modified tables, our cleaning protocols, our covered linens, our open front door so nobody had to touch it, everything she would want to see. She asked me about our self-attestation logs, our contact tracing plans, are we asking clients about Covid signs, the whole nine yards. I told her everything we had worked so hard to prepare for during quarantine. As a result, I got “Wow, you are really on top of it!” And we passed the inspection with flying colors! On the sheet she wrote, “Very clean. Covid ready.” Another man with the Board came in and looked around but when he saw her approval and my transparency, he nodded and they walked out. I could not have done it without the help of so many people! Diana Fernandes, Marianne Volpe, Doreen Carlisle, Michelle Adams Grasso (who welcomed me into the weekly Wellness Owners zoom meetings every Monday with open arms), Christy Crivellaro for deciphering the inner-workings of the PPP, the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation for supporting me with the PPE Grant, David Morticelli from Avidia Bank who helped me with the PPP loan, my husband Jake Dalbec who was patient while I sat writing it all up and on the phone with colleagues, my kids who left me alone when I told them I was working to reopen and celebrated the day with cheers when Governor Baker gave us the green light to open. So if you are wondering if the Center is Covid-safe and clean, The Board of massage Therapy gave us a resounding yes. Call us anytime to schedule your appointments with any or the practitioners and we look forward to seeing you soon.