Being an Occupational Therapist that works at a top orthopedic hospital in Boston, I have found that many patients have had acupuncture prior to surgery and found great relief. I have also found many patients have had acupuncture after surgery and found their pain decreased and their physical healing to be expediated. Many research studies are demonstrating again and again that acupuncture on osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee have yielded positive results. The use of electroacupuncture as well as TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) have been found to greatly reduce OA-induced knee pain (Ng, MM; J A;tern Complement Med, 2003 Oct; 9(5): 641-9) and was found to have no loss of benefit after one month (Tukmachi, E; Acupunct Med. 2004 Mar; 22(1): 14-22).
So in Layman’s terms, what does this mean? This means that if you are suffering from any characteristic arthritis pain in the knee (as well as the hip and other joints too) that may be interrupting your daily activities, acupuncture with adjunctive therapies (electroacupuncture, etc.) may be the answer before heading straight to the surgical unit. Many hospitals have acupuncturists on staff so don’t be afraid to ask your doctor/surgeon. Please consult your medical doctor first as to how far your arthritis has progressed and if surgery is medically pressing. Or you can send me a comment and I will answer any questions you may have!