Buying an automobile is probably one of the biggest financial investments you’ll make. You understand that even though your car runs great, performs magnificently, and looks wonderful on the outside, it is imperative that you keep up with regularly scheduled maintenance to keep it running smoothly.
Restoring your health through acupuncture requires an investment of both your time and money, and is truly one of the best investments you can make for yourself. If you have completed, or are in the process of following through with a schedule of comprehensive acupuncture treatments, then congratulations on your commitment to excellent health! However, to remain at the pinnacle you worked so hard to achieve it is essential to incorporate acupuncture wellness care into your lifestyle.
Once you have completed an initial or comprehensive care plan, it is important to follow up with routine visits to maintain your newfound level of health. After all, if it was worth the investment to regain your health, then you owe it to yourself to maintain it.
The key is to remain proactive and to stay one step ahead of potential problems before they have a chance to develop. It is far less costly to take your car to the mechanic for routine maintenance work than it is to wait for a breakdown.
Keep in mind, however, that even with routine automotive maintenance there is still the potential to develop trouble between service appointments. When the warning lights on your dash alert you to a problem, it is best to get it checked right away rather than wait until your next scheduled service.
The same goes for your body. When pain, injuries, or illness occur between wellness visits, resist the temptation to hold out until your next scheduled visit. If your body is talking to you, listen to it. The sooner a problem is addressed, the easier and more cost effective it is to get you over it.
Your body is meant to last you a lifetime. It is not leased and there is no trading it in. Isn’t it time you started caring for your body as well as you treat your car? At the Marlborough Wellness Center, we believe in creating functional and healthy maintenance programs for our clients so call and find out more!